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Considering George Bailey

"The Forest and The Sea" is our attempt

To create a Backstory

For Future Storytellers

We desire to cultivate beauty, truth, and imagination in such a way that when those we love and serve reach the Gate, and pause to look back over their lives, they shall be able to see that every, single event in it was designed by a good Father for a particularly good purpose, and this will fill them with Thankfulness and Joy for having been led through those various experiences.

Consider George Bailey.

George is standing on the bridge in the pouring rain; he is hopeless, full of despair, discouraged, feeling alone, trapped and seriously contemplating the ending of his life.

He has come to the breaking point in his journey where nothing makes sense — he feels imprisoned, deep regret, angry, tormented by unfulfilled dreams and lost in a darkness so thick he can feel it weighing him down. He is haunted by the shadows of what could have been and too weak to carry this burden any longer on his own.

Enter Clarence.

A messenger is sent down by God to rescue George by retelling his story from another perspective. He labors to help George see that his life in the supposed mundane has been used to bring healing and beauty, hope and unity, rest and love, endurance and encouragement to many.

His life has made a Wonderful impact on his neighbors, friends, family and his home town. His life matters and without him, without George, things would be drastically different.

George learns the hard way that he has a “Wonderful Life” given to him by God and that his inability to leave on grand adventures has been very good.

“What he thought was evil, God had been using for good.”

Our Hope and our Vision as a family, as the Curators of The Forest and The Sea, is that our lives will be used by God to rescue those on the bridge, contemplating the ending of their lives; to be used in some way to show them that every life matters; to give them a better view of their own Backstories and to inspire them to embrace every single “mundane” moment as the precious gift from God that it is. We want to inspire others to see that their lives are not in vain but can be used for the good of others.

The Forest and The Sea is our family’s attempt to joyfully, intentionally, and sacrificially spread endurance, encouragement and hope to those who are in places of “cold, wet, misery.”

We are sharing this Great Coffee with you, ones who have hope, so that we can go and stay gone with those without who are without hope in this world.

We are ones who, like George, have been rescued from our own bridge and are now on a journey with God’s help, of having our Backstories retold to us in another light; we want The Forest and The Sea to be a place where worn and weary souls are welcomed, loved, served, and given a place at the Table.

Thank you for being a part of this Journey.

A nomad and a gypsy,

Curators of The Forest and The Sea,

Michael and Natalie Boyer (and our sons)


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