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Working to Stay Gone Through Coffee


We are prayerfully seeking God's provision to not only "go" but to "stay gone" for the long-term.

We believe that God has called us to take the Gospel beyond the borders of SC, to those without Hope and without God in this world.

We have counted the cost, are counting the cost, and we know that this work will take our whole lives and the rest of our lives to finish.

The Forest & The Sea Artisan Coffee Roasters

As ones who have tasted life overseas as "fundraising missionaries", we have been blessed in many ways, but we believe God is leading us to go a step further.

It has been our dream to open a coffee shop for almost as long as we have been married (20 years). Over those years God has taught us the "coffee industry" experientally: from working as a barista in a fast paced drive thru, to managing a coffee shop in Haywood mall, to training new baristas at a coffee roaster start-up, to training in Galway and Dublin, we have grown in our love for and knowledge of this industry.

Wrapped up in this has been our passion for hospitality and to set tables "in the wilderness" wherever we are. If you know us, you know that we love inviting EVERYONE to our Table and we are ones who have an open door policy in our home almost 24/7. The Forest & the Sea is our attempt to extend our "living room" to more and more people in the community we live in.

Empower us in this Work

In many ways we are starting from scratch and we could use your help. Please take some time to EXPLORE our vision (portrayed by this website..still a work in progress) and imagine with us a place where weary souls come to meet Jesus. Then consider partnering with us to make the dream a reality.

Two Ways to Give Financially

1) Give Online:

To Give an Online please follow the link below. You can set up either a recurring monthly gift of support or a one time gift. Both are welcomed and needed. Your support is "tax-deductable" through our mission agency, CMC (Central Missionary Clearinghouse).

Please make sure to designate your gift to "MICHAEL BOYER".

2) Give by Check:

If you prefer to send a Gift by check, you can send all checks to:

Central Missionary Clearinghouse

P.O. Box 219228,

Houston, Texas 77218-9228.

Please make your check payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse (or simply CMC) to qualify for a tax deduction. Please do NOT write our name on the check, but send a note with the check stating that this Gift is for Michael and Natalie Boyer, serving in the Republic of Ireland.

If you would like to know more, have questions for us, or would like to set up a time for us to share with your family or small group or church, please contact us.

Thank you very much for your Prayers and Financial Support.


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